علم الضبط وطباعة المصاحف

Title: The science of tuning and printing the Qur’an

Authors: Muzammil Muhammad Abdeen Muhammad

Abstract: This topic deals with the study of one of the most important Qur’anic sciences, which is the science of Qur’anic control and its printing according to the narration of Hafs from Asim. The most important findings of the researcher: The science of tuning is a great science that originated at the hands of the followers, as they placed specific signs in the tuning of the reading. • Benefiting from this science revolves around correcting the reading of the Holy Qur’an. • It turned out that the signs of control and the form were somewhat late, as it was raised by the followers, as they put signs to help in the control of reading, and what was established by the scholars of control, for example, is to append the letters deleted from the drawing in their places in red in the past and with a small letter in the color of writing in the modern era. • Scientists have great efforts in spreading the Holy Quran and its sciences.

Keywords: Hafs; seize; copy; the Koran

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