الصراع بين مشير السلطنة وناصر الملك في الثورة الدستورية

Title: The conflict between the Marshal of the Sultanate and Nasir al-Malik in the constitutional revolution

Authors: Sabah Jayed Jassem

Abstract:The most prominent event in Iran’s modern and contemporary history was the rise of the Constitutional Revolution (1905-1911), which in all its dimensions was a revolutionary experience that was able to create a democratic climate that was reflected in Iranian political life under the Qajar regime. And whatever the results produced by this experience in its short life, they were much better from any dictatorial regime, the constitutional experience was not far from the foreign and internal political conspiracies and maneuvers that took advantage of some forces and pushed them to carry out countermovement’s with the aim of aborting the constitutional revolution and eliminating its gains. In its wake, Iran suffered severe political crises. The rivalry of Muhammad Ali Shah, and this period witnessed an internal struggle between the members of the ruling family between the Marshal of the Sultanate and Nasir al-Malik over the position of the head of the Council at a time when Nasser al-Malik aspired to preside over the Council, but the state made him supported by the marshal of the Sultanate after he assumed the position of head of the new government before Muhammad Ali Shah, during the formation of the ministerial marshal of the Sultanate, did not obtain the support of Nasser al-Malik and his supporters, nor did the supporters of  Nasir al-Malik get a ministerial portfolio in the government of M. Sher Sultanate.

Keywords: Marshal of the Sultanate, Nasir al-Malik, the Iranian constitutional revolution, the Qajar era and the power struggle

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