الإعلام الجديد ودوره في دعم منظومة الابتكار وريادة الأعمال

Title: New Media and its Role in Supporting Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Authors: Abaker Abdelbanant Adam Ibrahim

Abstract: The new media plays a major role in supporting the system of innovation and entrepreneurship, and this effect may appear on public opinion or the target audience. The pace of new media work has increased in the recent period through the impact of communication messages on the recipients. Therefore, the importance of the study comes in identifying the new media and its role in establishing the values of society in light of the political, intellectual, social and economic changes that the nation is experiencing today. Despite the advantages of new media in increasing the cognitive and cognitive awareness of the public, it sometimes plays a negative role in changing the lifestyle if it is used to achieve personal or self-goals. Therefore, the new media is considered as an effective means to get out of the circle of unconsciousness to the stage of cognitive awareness so that every individual in society can perform his role with high efficiency without superior or authoritarian restrictions. The researcher uses the descriptive, analytical, and sometimes inductive method to reveal the impact of new media in supporting the creative and innovative system.

Keywords: : New media – security – information – innovation – systems – events – technology.

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