اليات الحكم الرشيد في القضاء على الفساد الاداري-الرقابة انموذجا- في ضوء فكر الأمام علي عليه السلام

Title: Mechanisms of good governance in eliminating administrative corruption – oversight as a model – in light of the thought of Imam Ali, peace be upon him

Authors: Sayyed Zuhair al-Masilini

Abstract:  “Control” is considered one of the effective mechanisms to ensure the distribution of economic resources, and to preserve the rights of the people from infringement and confiscation in a fair manner. It is one of the means to eliminate administrative corruption in all its components. Economic, financial and social policies, and from here censorship gained its proper place in the thought of Imam Ali (PBUH), and it was one of his priorities because of his belief in its importance in accomplishing deeds, achieving justice, and restoring the trust of the people in the shepherd after it was distorted in the past days, so we see him strongly to recover what was looted from the money of Muslims, and what was lost of their rights, so he said his famous saying about the money taken in an unlawful manner: For in justice there is ample space, and for him who finds justice too narrow, then oppression is even narrower for him. »And guided by the vision of the Commander of the Faithful, Imam Ali bin Abi Talib, peace be upon him, in laying the foundations for conscious control.- + control, we can conclude the following: 1. Strengthening the self-motivation of employees, which leads to strengthening self-censorship, and the Muslim individual feeling that there is a permanent watch over him. 2. Selecting people of honesty, trustworthiness and competence to carry out the oversight mission 3. The neutrality and independence of the oversight bodies so that they are not affiliated with a specific political or sectarian side. 4. Raise the standard of living of employees, and provide them with a decent life so that the employee does not covet what is in the hands of the citizen. 5. Raising the standard of living for those who play the role of watchdog so as not to facilitate bribery and influence.

Keywords: good governance, administrative corruption, censorship, Imam Ali, Nahj al-Balaghah

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